Jennifer Stover

Jennifer Stover

Frenectomy/Frenuloplasty Preparation Sessions may include: 

*Education on how that little bit of tissue under the tongue connects into the entire fascial system from head to toe.Uncovering your personal body map of workarounds your system has developed to move through life tethered. 
*Hands-on release work to help structures realign, rebalance, and re-establish fluid flow and cranial movement throughout the entire system.
*Deep relaxation practice.

Post Tongue-Tie Release Sessions may include:

*Hands-on full body release work to help structures realign, rebalance, and re-establish fluid flow, cranial movement and respiration throughout the entire system.
*Teaching Isotonic exercises to rebalance muscle compensations and fascial stretching exercises to ensure the entire kinetic fascial chain is unwinding.Working together to build awareness of posture and movement habits.   

Hello Untethered Clients!

My name is Jennifer Stover, and I am a bodyworker assisting Untethered tongue-tie release clients towards ease.

For those of you considering a functional tongue-tie release, studies show assisting the procedure with pre-op and post-op bodywork is the way to success.

For best results, I recommend 2-3 sessions before frenuloplasty or frenectomy, and 2-3 sessions again after your tethered oral tissue is released. I also collaborate with you and the entire release team in real time on the big day!